The Lafayette Hillside Memorial is a unique and meaningful landmark and it belongs to all of us.
We welcome your contributions to this special place.
We welcome your contributions to this special place.
Volunteer work parties are organized 3 to 4 times a year. We also offer service learning opportunities for Scouts and other youth organizations. If you would like to help, please contact us at [email protected] .
If you are planning on joining us on a work day at the Hillside, please complete this waiver and either bring a copy with you or email a signed copy before the work day to [email protected]. Waiver for working at the Hillside ![]()
To keep informed of progress and events, please join our mailing list.
As we continue to grow our friendships in the community, we are always looking for advocates, groups or individuals with complementary skills, resources or simply voices of support to encourage our continued efforts.
Please send inquiries and comments to: [email protected] DONATE
Financial donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to maintain the Memorial symbols and hillside. Since the Lafayette Hillside Memorial is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax-deductible.
You can make an online donation by clicking below or you may donate by check made out to the Lafayette Hillside Memorial. Checks can be sent to: 1068 North Thompson Rd., Lafayette, CA 94549. |
Your donation to Lafayette Hillside Memorial is tax-deductible
TIN: 75-3177720
TIN: 75-3177720